Scientific papers
Ameztegui A, Cabona A, De Cáceres M, Coll L (2017) Managing stand density to enhance the adaptability of Scots pine stands to climate change: A modelling approach. Ecological Modelling 356:141-150.
Duane A, Aquilué N, Gil-Tena A, Brotons L (2016) Integrating fire spread patterns in fire modelling at landscape scale. Environmental Modelling and Software 86: 219-231.
Gil-Tena A, Aquilué N, Duane A, De Cáceres M, Brotons L (2016) Mediterranean fire regime effects on pine-oak forest landscape mosaics under global change in NE Spain. European Journal of Forest Research 135(2): 403–416.
Japelj A, Leban V, Westergen M, Krč J (2016) Drugo plenarno srečanje projektne skupine INFORMED - Integrated research on FOrest Resilience and Management in the mEDiterranean - v Tunisu (2.-4. marec 2016). Gozdarski vestnik, ISSN 0017-2723, letn. 74, št. 4, str. 208-212.
Leban V, Japelj A (2015) Kartiranje in vrednotenje ekosistemskih storitev za boljše odločanje: utrinki iz mednarodne poletne šole. Gozdarski vestnik, ISSN 0017-2723, letn. 73, št. 10, str. 488-490.
Martín-Alcón S, Coll L (2016) Unraveling the relative importance of factors driving post-fire regeneration trajectories in non-serotinous Pinus nigra forests. Forest Ecology and Management 361: 13-22.
Megharbi A, Abdoun F Belgherbi B (2016) Diversité floristique en relation avec les gradients abiotiques dans la zone humide d la Macta (Ouest de l’Algérie). Revue d'Ecologie (Terre et Vie), Vol.71 (2), 142-155.
Pettenella D, Portaccio A (2017) Ecosystem services in mountain watersheds: supporting tools for adaptive forest management. In: R Tognetti, G Scarascia Mugnozza, T Hofer (eds). Mountain Watersheds and Ecosystem Services: Balancing multiple demands of forest management in head-watersheds. EFI Technical Report 101, European Forest Institute, p. 34-43
Roces-Díaz JV, Vayreda J, Banquè-Casanovas M, Díaz-Varela E, Bonet JA, Brotons Ll, de-Miguel S, Herrando S, Martínez-Vilalta J (2018) The spatial level of analysis affects the patterns of forest ecosystem services supply and their relationships. Science of the Total Environment 626:1270-1283.
Sánchez-Pinillos M, Coll L, De Cáceres M, Ameztegui A (2016) Assessing the persistence capacity of communities facing natural disturbances on the basis of species response traits. Ecological Indicators 66: 76-85.
Tardieu L, Tuffery L , Muys B, (à paraitre). Human needs and ecosystem services. In State of Mediterranean Forest, 2nd Edition, Chapter 5, FAO and Plan Bleu/UNEP.
Vilà-Cabrera A , Coll L, Martínez-Vilalta J, Retana J (2018) Forest management for adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean basin: A synthesis of evidence. Forest Ecology and Management 407:16-22.
Aravanopoulos F, Tourvas N, Avramidou E, Alizoti P, Barbas E (2017). The European research project INFORMED and the research in Greece on the resilience of Mediterranean forests. In: Proc. 18th Pan-Hellenic Forest Science Society Conference, Edessa, pp. 429-433 (in Greek)
Butorac L, Jelić G, Topić V (2016) Runoff and sediment transport on Mediterranean micro-plots scale with different vegetation cover. Second international scientific and expert conference "Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development-GREEN/2“, Radojčić Redovniković I, Jakovljević T, Radosevic K, Stojakovic R, Erdec Hendrih D (Edit), Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb, 5-7 October 2016, Zagreb, Croatia [poster]
Butorac L, Simioni G, Jelić G, Jakovljević T (2016) Applying the NOTG model to forest sites in Croatia. Second international scientific and expert conference "Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development-GREEN/2“, Radojčić Redovniković I, Jakovljević T, Radosevic K, Stojakovic R, Erdec Hendrih D (Edit), Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb, 5-7 October 2016, Zagreb, Croatia [poster]
Jakovljević T, Šparica Miko M, Hasan O, Miko S, Laslo A (2016) Determination of carbon and nitrogen in reference soil sample. Second international scientific and expert conference "Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development-GREEN/2“, Radojčić Redovniković I, Jakovljević T, Radosevic K, Stojakovic R, Erdec Hendrih, D, Gaurina Srček, V,(Edit), Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb, 5-7 October 2016, Zagreb, Croatia [poster]
Japelj A (2015) Preferences of Ljubljana’s citizens for different recreation settings in an urban forest of Rožnik: a case study with a latent class model. InVEST Summer Schools in San Vito di Cadore (Italy), 8. Sep. 2015
Khalfaoui M, Daly-Hassen H (2016). A dilemma between forest preservation and economic dependence of rural households’ income: a case study from Iteimia, Tunisia. EFIMED Week, 7-9 November 2016, Calabria, Italy [poster]
Khalfaoui M, Daly-Hassen H. (2017), Conference Communication « Le conflit de la gestion forestière entre la soutenabilité des ressources naturelles et la subsistance de la population locale: Etude de Cas de Iteimia-Tunisie ». Réseau de Sciences Humaines, Economiques et Sociales d’ECOFOR, Conférence « Approches territorialisées de la forêt », 12 Janvier 2017 Paris
Khalfaoui M., Daly-Hassen H.,Jebari S., Stiti B. and Nasr Z.(2017), Conference Communication « Mapping Cork Oak forest's Ecosystem services: Cork, Wood, Grazing, Sediment Retention and Carbon Sequestration». Congress: "International Congress on Cork Oak Trees and Woodlands: conservation, management, products and challenges for the future". May 2017
Khemici M, Gadiri M, Makhlouf A (2015) Importance des forêts périurbaines dans la lutte contre la pollution et l'atténuation de quelques effets des changements climatiques, Atelier International sur Le Risque Canicules et les Stratégies d’Adaptations 08 et 09 Novembre 2015 (Biskra Algérie)
Lefèvre F, Alia R, Coll L, Daly-Hassen H, Pettenella D (2015) Fostering forest system resilience through managing biodiversity : the case of Mediterranean forests. International Scientific Conference Our Common Future Under Climate Change, 7-10 July 2015, Paris, France [poster].
Lefèvre F (2015) Necessity and challenges of knowledge integration to prepare the future: biodiversity and its uses. Foresterra conference Key questions for future research on Mediterranean Forests. 24-25 Novembre 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
Lefèvre F (2016) Résilience et adaptation dans un un contexte de changement : défis méthodologiques illustrés sur l'exemple des forêts méditerranéennes. Congrès Euro-Méditerranéen: La Résilience dans le Monde du Vivant, 19-21 Mai 2016, Marseille, France
Lefèvre F (2016) Challenges in developping an interdisciplinary approach of Mediterranean forest social-ecological systems. Second international scientific and expert conference "Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development-GREEN/2“, Radojčić Redovniković I, Jakovljević T, Radosevic K, Stojakovic R, Erdec Hendrih D, Gaurina Srček, V, (Edit), Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb, 5-7 October 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
Morán-Ordóñez A, Otsu K, Coll L, Lefèvre F, Brotons L (2016) Scenario-based modelling for management of Mediterranean forests: a review. International conference on Scenarios and Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, 24-26 August, Montpellier, France
Rigolot E, Lefèvre F (2017) Une forêt méditerranéenne multi-fonctionnelle et résiliente dans un contexte changeant : de la théorie à la pratique. Forêt Méditerranéenne XXXVIII(2) : 117-134
Tuffery L, Andrés-Domenech P, Courdier F, Davi H, Lefèvre F, Stenger A, Rigolot E, Roux A (2017)Une approche de l’adaptabilité des forêts du Mont Ventoux : Des scénarios possibles. Réseau de Sciences Humaines, Economiques et Sociales d’ECOFOR, Conférence « Approches territorialisées de la forêt », 12 Janvier 2017 Paris
Vuletić D, Dubravac T, Marijanović H, Jakovljević T, Potočić N, Pernek M, Pilaš I, Balenović I, Butorac L, Seletković I, Medak J, Sanja P, Martina T, Elvis P, Krajter Ostoić S, Zgrablić Ž (2016) Which are the main risks for Mediterranean forests in Croatia and how to response to them. Second international scientific and expert conference "Natural resources, green technology and sustainable development-GREEN/2“, Radojčić Redovniković I, Jakovljević T, Radosevic K, Stojakovic R, Erdec Hendrih D, Gaurina Srček, V, (Edit), Faculty of Food technology and Biotechnology University of Zagreb, 5-7 October 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
Zamoum M. Bachir K (2016) Global change an eco-ethological particularity related to the last larval stage of Thaumetopea pytiocampa (lep. Notodontitae) Seminar IUFRO Division Forest Health April 2016 Turquie
Zanndouche O (2015) Les plantes médicinales et aromatiques en Algérie : gestion, exploitation et problématique. Atelier régional sur « La valorisation des Plantes aromatiques et médicinales dans les pays du Maghreb » Bainem (INRF) Alger, Algérie, du 8 au 10 Décembre 2015
Reports and students’ work
Khalfaoui M, Daly-Hassen H (2015) Links between the 25 case studies. INFORMED Report, 7p.
Leban V, Japelj A, Krč J (2015) Guidelines for economic and governance data collection. INFORMED Report [version 1.0], 49p.
Monnerie C (2016) Cartographie des services écosystémiques des forêts du Mont Ventoux – évaluation de la séquestration du carbone et de l’offre en habitat. Stage Recherche Innovation IM1, ESA Angers, 87p.
Morán-Ordóñez A, Gil-Tena A, Brotons L, Coll L, Lefèvre F (2016) Guidelines to develop global change scenarios for Mediterranean forests. INFORMED Report, 33p.
Tuffery L, Andrés-Domenech P, Stenger A (2016). Rapport intermédiaire INFORMED: la cas du PNR Mt Ventoux. AgroParisTech-Inra Report, 31p.
Vilà Cabrera A, Coll L, Martinez Vilalta J, Lefèvre F, Retana J (2016) A conceptual framework for defining management actions for adaptation in the INFORMED’s case studies. INFORMED Report, 3p.
Models, statistical tools and databases
De Cáceres M, Martin N, Granda V, Cabon A (2017) 'Meteoland' Landscape Meteorology Tools. R Package version 0.6.7